School Nurse’s News
Mrs. Jamie Eberts, BSN, RN, Licking Valley District Nurse
Mrs. Erin Patterson, RMA, EMT-B, Clinic Coordinator/Assistant
You can reach your district nurse by calling your child's school and requesting a transfer to the nurse, or by email at [email protected]
to keep your child home
Please keep your child home from school if he or she has a
temperature over 100 degrees, a bad sore throat or cough, has vomited or had
diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
**Please do not send a child that you know is ill to school with instructions to see the nurse if they do not feel better. We all hope that they will make it through the school day, but they rarely do and by that time they have passed their germs on to most of their friends. A better solution would be to keep them at home and if they recover sufficiently, bring them in late.
A medication form must be filled out for any
medication, prescribed or over-the-counter, and be brought in by parent/trusted
adult in the original container in order to be administered during the school
day. *form
on link to your right
Emergency Medical Information
This now needs to be updated online annually. This is necessary for school personnel and emergency responders who need to know vital health information. If your child has a chronic health condition (ie: allergies, diabetes, asthma, seizures, etc.), the forms you will need to have in place prior to the beginning of each school year are located in the link to your right. In addition, please contact the district nurse for any changes to your child’s Individualized Health Care Plan (IHP).
*If your child requires a food accommodation from the cafeteria, a doctor's statement is required.
State law requires that documentation of any
required immunizations to the office at the start of the school year.
Kindergarten, 7th and 12th grade students now have specific immunization requirements. Those students not in compliance are subject to exclusion from school AND school-related activities (sports, dances, etc).
During the first couple months of school, a number of students will participate in health screenings as required by state law & according to guidelines from The Ohio Department of Health. Screenings may include hearing, vision, growth, etc. Please remind students to wear their glasses/contacts. If a referral is made, please have those forms completed by the doctor and return to the school so we know follow-through has occurred.
of year clean-up
Any medications your child has at school need to be
picked up/signed out by the last day. Meds will not be sent home with students. Any medication left will be destroyed.
If your child will need medication the following year, please pick up a
medication form in the office (or online) and have it completed over the